My Services

I offer a modern, holistic, whole body approach to address musculoskeletal problems and pelvic floor issues.

I use a variety of treatment options including hypopressives, myofascial release, functional exercises and Scarwork to ensure you achieve the best outcome.

Pregnancy Physiotherapy


50 minutes £70

A physiotherapy assessment during pregnancy can be helpful in ensuring you have the right advice to support you to continue exercising, address any pregnancy related aches and pains and guide you in optimising your body and pelvic floor for birth.

Postnatal Physiotherapy


50 minutes £70

A postnatal appointment will be completely tailored to you. It can include assessment of pelvic floor concerns, aches and pains, abdominal muscle assessment, and advice regarding returning to exercise. I offer ScarWork for c.section scars as a lovely way to optimise healing (see scar therapy below).

A pelvic floor examination will be offered to you if relevant.

Suitable from 6 weeks after birth.

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy

Pelvic Health

50 minutes £70

A pelvic health assessment for issues affecting your bladder, bowels, prolapse symptoms or non pregnancy related pelvic pain.

I will take a thorough history, assess the way you move and other factors that may be affecting your condition.

You Z personal advice and exercise plan.

Internal assessments are optional but very helpful in gaining insight of your condition. This will be discussed at your appointment if appropriate.

Scar Therapy

50 minutes £60

ScarWork is a gentle massage like technique that is a pain free therapy for new or old scars that feel tight, lumpy, numb, painful or have altered skin colour.

Suitable for men and women with traumatic or surgical scars.

After 3 sessions my scar is visibly much lighter and less pronounced and I can move freely without feeling like its being stretched.
— Adam
I had a lovely c-section scar massage which was completely painless and the scar looked great afterwards.
— Beth